Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Looking forward to the future

History is being made today and we get to be a part of it. To believe that our Country is moving forward and choosing someone because of their qualifications and character no matter color or creed is amazing. This gives me hope for our future and the future of our child. As a bi-racial woman and interracial couple adopting abroad we will show how color nor creed matters. We will walk proudly hand in hand and show off our " United Nation" family. It gives me hope that maybe even one day we can have a woman president. I feel that I won't be lying when my child asks me if she can one day be president- I can respond with yes, the "sky" is the limit for you...My parents always told me that I could be anything I wanted to be and do anything I wanted to do-,I truly believed them. I want to say thanks mom and dad- you were right, I can and will. So with this said, I'm looking so forward to the future with my child!!!

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