Monday, August 31, 2009

A dose of reality

Well, this last week a dose of reality came back -I went back to work for 2 Day trips. Lao Lao and Nana watched Kiana. Seems like all went well. She is definitely a mama's girl this week and I'm not sure if it has to do with me going to work or not.

Kiana got so many gifts in the mail this week too. It seemed like everyday the UPS guy was here. She would see the box, get so excited and yell open.... She got a new baby doll, clothes, books, and cookies for her kitchen...She also went on her first Merry-go-round ride. (wasn't very fond of it) She didn't want to sit on the horse at all, but was excited for the music....

Lao Lao has been here for the week and we have enjoyed her company. We cleaned out all of Kiana's dresser drawers and went through everything. I found a tutu and put it on Kiana. She absolutely loved it...:) She doesn't like to keep clothes on, especially anything too fussy so it was so funny to see that she liked the tutu...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Great Weekend

This week really flew by...I have to go to training on Thurs/Fri...I'm not looking forward to it at all. I stress out EVERY year and now I have Kiana to worry about too....UGGGG!!! I also have two trips at the end of the month as well. I did put in for the month of Sept off and I got it YEAH!!! Lao Lao is coming out too and maybe Pa Pa. It will be so nice to see them... I made Lasagna this week hoping to have leftovers, yeah right??? Kiana loved it... She also received many gifts in the mail and is now understanding how to open them. She says open and if it is something soft like a pillow, blanket beach towel etc., she lays her head on them and says "nite nite" If it's a toy she says OHHHH....

We saw some of our China family on Sunday for a B-day party. One of the girls turned two. Kiana had a great time. I think she was a little overwhelmed and overstimulated, but interacted with the girls. She went in the kiddie pool and tried blowing bubbles. She had her first piece of cake too...She is not a sweet eater, she is like her mommy and likes salty things instead. :) We are trying to get the whole group together in the fall so that we can all see each other and celebrate all the girls b-days....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Playing around

This week we really didn't do too much. We bought Kiana a slide for the backyard and she loves it. She also loves making up games (like a magic carpet ride) and playing with boxes...It's funny how when she gets a new toy she almost likes the box it came in better than the toy itself....She is definitely starting to become her own person now. She tells you no when she doesn't want to do something....

I'm going back to work earlier than expected (it's a long story). I'm returning to work on the 20Th for training and then I have two day trips the last week in August. (Wish us LUCK) I'm very nervous about going, but I have to go back and she is just going to have to learn to adjust without her mama home every night. I'm sure when she is older she will be thrilled that her mommy is gone and her and her ba ba can have daddy/daughter days... :) I'm having Nana come over twice a week so that she is used to her being here. Nana just retired and I'm not sure she knows what she has signed up to do (hahahaha) I also signed up for music together classes in the fall. I think Kiana will really enjoy that. She loves music and dances to everything, including the ice cream truck when it drives by....