Thursday, March 19, 2009

Starting to panic

I think I'm starting to have little panic attacks now!!! I mean there is the possibility that we could be next. I highly doubt it, but we could be next... We ARE only 3 LID's away and with the inconsistency of the CCAA it's a possibility. What do we do now??? It's funny how we have waited all this time and now we panic... You would think I/we would be prepared. We are so excited/scared that we keep saying that it will be a couple more months...and I do think that it will be, but again, there is a slight possibly that WE COULD BE NEXT!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

It's official

It's official..... we have been waiting for 3 yrs now. Our LID is March 9th, 2006 and today being March 9th 2009 makes it 3 yrs.... Gosh we must be patient people :) Who knew when we first started this process that it was going to take this long??? Again, they say GOOD things come to those who wait!!!
On that note, the CCAA has now processed up to March 6th, 2006 so we are only 3 LID's away. It sounds close and it is, but it could still take 3 or so months until we hear anything. As always, we will let you know as soon as we know...