Monday, August 31, 2009

A dose of reality

Well, this last week a dose of reality came back -I went back to work for 2 Day trips. Lao Lao and Nana watched Kiana. Seems like all went well. She is definitely a mama's girl this week and I'm not sure if it has to do with me going to work or not.

Kiana got so many gifts in the mail this week too. It seemed like everyday the UPS guy was here. She would see the box, get so excited and yell open.... She got a new baby doll, clothes, books, and cookies for her kitchen...She also went on her first Merry-go-round ride. (wasn't very fond of it) She didn't want to sit on the horse at all, but was excited for the music....

Lao Lao has been here for the week and we have enjoyed her company. We cleaned out all of Kiana's dresser drawers and went through everything. I found a tutu and put it on Kiana. She absolutely loved it...:) She doesn't like to keep clothes on, especially anything too fussy so it was so funny to see that she liked the tutu...

1 comment:

Marsi said...

The photos of Kiana are so sweet as always.