Monday, June 15, 2009


Home sweet home...well kinda. I'm so so so happy to be back. China is beautiful, but Geno and I were over it. Kiana is having a tough time with adjusting here. I think a lot of it has to do with the 12hr time change.... She is not a good sleeper and this has just thrown her back. She flipped herself out of the crib. So now the poor thing is sleeping on the floor. We first put her on the floor with a futon mattress and piggy backed child gates at her door- only to find her at the top of the gate. ( Maybe she will be a rock climber when she grows up?) Anyways, the poor thing now is sleeping on the floor with the door shut she is not happy about it and Geno and I are taking turns laying down with her until she falls asleep. Last night she slept from 9-1am and then was up until 4am and now is finally back to sleep...Me not so much!!! I'm not a good sleeper either and once I'm awake, I'm awake... I'm so tired that I'm just going through the motions. My house is a MESS!!! Everyone that knows me knows that this is driving me nuts :) I want to thank EVERYONE for the calls and e-mails. I haven't had a chance to call ANYONE back yet. I apologize, but this mommy thing is new to me and I'm having trouble finding free time........great Kiana is now up again. It's 6:18am I think she has slept a total of 10hrs in two days. (This is killing all of us) Well, with that said I better go and try and figure out how to get her back to sleep....any suggestions???

Oh and one last thing...I miss my China group so much... I just miss the honesty and comfort of knowing we were all going through the same thing. You guys will never know how much you mean to me. I'm so happy you a part of our forever family....Thanks BIG sister Quin, I know Kiana misses you...:)


Deborah and Justin Leland said...

Hi there, we are in the same boat. Siena and Justin have been up since 3a.m. and I just now got her to go down. I am not sure if it is a nap or for the night. Needless to say we are definately way off schedule and our house is also a MESS!

We miss you guys so much. Hugs and kisses to Kiana.
Deborah, Justin and Siena

Pam Caro said...

Oh Melanie! I so remember the pain of not being able to adjust back to our time zone!! I think it literally took me a month!! The first week we all were up at 2AM until about 8AM then we'd go back to bed for a couple hours! We were just exhausted, it plays a large toll on your emotions too not just physical! Miah had a thing about crawling out of the crib too! It will all work itself out I PROMISE!! It is amazing the bond and friendships you form on this wonderful jouney and will continue to develop! Don't worry about the house, don't worry about anything other than getting some rest and everything will work itself out! I am so glad you guys are home safely and can't wait to learn more bout your journey!!

soxgirl0407 said...

Hi Mel! I am ecstatic to see you holding Kiana! You look beautiful and she is an angel! The getting used to is hard....none of us know anything about anything when we start out. And they constantly change through all stages of their lives! Not sleeping is tough though. Caseley always liked rocking, soft music and her binky! I can't wait until you are ready for visitors. XOXO