Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Well, last night was a little better. I'm mean she slept more...We are still on the floor. The crib tent should arrive today!!! Lets hope and pray that this works. I know it will be scary for her, but at least we will start a routine now. Just a couple more sleepless nights.... Thought I would share her favorite activity...(bathing) she absolutely loves her bath....:)


Anonymous said...

There is a light at the end of the tunnel even if you don't see it right now. You will all get through this rough patch I promise! Take whatever help comes your way and ask for it from anyone who hears you! Don't try to be super mom and dad (because there is no such thing) and sleep as much as you can when you can no matter how messy the house is! Call me if you need anything I am on occupational and will come to help out with anything (even cleaning) if you need me!

Anonymous said...

The 3 B's BATH, BOOKS, BED... I guess that is the only thing I can think of to help with bedtime. Alex was SO easy and took to this routine so well! Sami slept with us til she was ten. I would be thinner if I could stop eating my words all the time! Good luck...there is no right answers, just what is right for YOU! HUGS from FL and I love reading your blog and facebook! Debbie Roetman