Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July

We had a great 4Th of July...Kiana really enjoyed herself. We went to the Bourne parade, to Burger King (her first time w/fast food) and then to her cousin's house for a BBQ and swimming. I wasn't sure how she was going to be at the parade because of the noise. I thought it might be a little overwhelming for her and too loud. BOY WAS I WRONG....She absolutely loved it :) She clapped her hands and danced until the music stopped, which was about an hour. She was so worn out that she fell asleep on the ride home and had a good night's sleep...

I'm still working on nap time (in fact, she is screaming right now because I put her down.) It seems like she cries for about 15-20 mins before she falls asleep for a nap. At night she has been going down without a fight, no crying at all...

Today we meet w/early intervention and see what they have to say. I'm looking forward to some tools to get Kiana caught up. She has the best little personality when she has had enough sleep. She is just way too cute and makes me laugh everyday...

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