Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend fun

It's been exactly a month since we have been home...Things are definitely starting to settle and feel right now. We have been enjoying the weather ( The sun has finally decided to make an appearance) I was starting to go stir crazy...We have been outside in her pool (thanks Pica girls) and she loves it. It does have to be warm though or she isn't going in...Did you hear that Lao Lao and Papa??? You MUST warm up the pool when we come out to visit....:) I know Papa will do anything for his little princess.

On Sat. we met with some of our China family. It was so great to see them. The girls have changed so much...I can't believe how fast the time goes. I hope we will continue to see each other often for the girls sake (and mine) It was so great to catch up and chat. We have this bond that no one else gets unless you have experienced what we did....Thanks Leland family for having us over, the food and drinks (love bucket) were great and you have a lovely home...Next time we will host :)

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